A Love Story

Based on a true story !

A strong relationship. A well settled man got married to a girl. After their marriage, he realized that she has some mental issues and not mentally fit. He faced many insults, many comments from the society by her weird behavior. His parents, relatives, friends and the whole world suggested to divorce her. even so he was not ready to divorce, he continued a life with her.Despite of all problems, a family with three children now. Many asked him why you are not ready to leave her? Can’t you divorce her and marry another girl?? For all those questions he has only one answer ” I LOVE HER , SHE IS MY WIFE , I WON’T LEAVE HER FOR ANY CAUSE ”

-Athira Aparna

34 thoughts on “A Love Story

  1. Yes, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, till death do us part. πŸ™‚ And to think that some cannot live together in peace when they both have health! Mental illness is the one illness where people do not call, and visit, and comfort. It shows who the true children of God are when they do not abandon.

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