#Poem # Free Verse 4 -#Dancing Pain

Her toes covered with blood
poor feet, listened to music
No pause to the movements
Beats slowed down
Spins ceased
She was me, he, you and we
Unafraid, the pain left her
Light reflected at the corner
Silent grief, Silent killer
No tears left to cry.

©️Athira2021 All Rights Reserved

124 thoughts on “#Poem # Free Verse 4 -#Dancing Pain

  1. Athira, your words are so deeply profound, expressing the concept of Oneness through the journey we have all been on. No tears left. That all by itself speaks volumes. As does the bloody feed. Wow, just wow! xo

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    1. Dance is my passion..My areas are into Kathak, classical,western and so on..It’s all about a girl I knew, I felt to write it as a poem..It can be happens to anyone in this world.

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