Random Thoughts #8

I saw a girl today
She is crying like anything
I don’t ask anything to her
She falls on me, telling something
I’am not understanding anything
I don’t want to ask anything.
Let her finish the tears
I don’t want to know the cause
I just said “everything will be alright”


The Sunshine Blogger Award

Pic Courtesy : Google Image


  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

To my fellow blogger , Thanks a lot for nominating me for this award. I also likes to welcome everyone to visit https://whisperingstories8.wordpress.com/ Riddhi’s blog 🙂

Riddhi’s Questions : Thank you for your questions Riddhi

1.When and why did you start blogging?

It was on 10th March 2019 @ 6:28 pm. I started my blogging to share my faith, thoughts and real life experience to all my fellow bloggers.

2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

I enjoy everything in blogging but my favorite thing is reading the comments of fellow bloggers below to my posts.

3. What is your least favorite thing about blogging?

Sorry , nothing specifically.

4. What are your hobbies besides blogging?

I’m a trained classical dancer and also focuses on various dance forms – Odissi, Kathak, Western. It’s my passion more than a hobby. Apart from dancing, I loves reading, writing , listening to music, travelling, photography and so on.

5.What would the title of your biography/biopic be?

Sorry, I’m not yet decided. I need to think about it.

6. Some advice for people who have just started blogging?

I don’t prefer to give advice for people, as a suggestion I can tell that try to write from heart than mind.

7. Describe yourself in seven words? (Cause it’s the seventh question)

Living a life of gratitude with purposes.

8. Dogs or Cats?

I’m not a pet lover. Let them freely surrounds the world.

9. A TV show you can binge-watch forever?

Not particularly. I prefer to watch good movies more.

10. A song you relate to? / A song you will never get tired of listening?


11.Who is your favorite author?

It very difficult to mention one author – Charlotte Bronte, Shakespeare, R.K Narayan

It’s very difficult to nominate 11 bloggers. All are my favorite bloggers that the reason for following your blogs but the rules must go on. I don’t like to give the numbers like 1,2,3 and all for the below bloggers. I nominated 11 as per the rules and of course please make a look at the below bloggers, its really unique and you will learns a lot from them.

Cindy Georgakas@uniquelyfitblogs


Soni Cool😎@sunitadoll1990



Harini Kannan@hanikannan2003

Mary Elizabeth@singing4ever876



Aswini Sreejith@aswinisreejith


My questions to my fellow bloggers:

  1. Rate your writings out of five and with reason
  2. Define the meaning of life and your purpose
  3. Your role model and why you choose the person
  4. Your humanitarian values to the society
  5. Your priorities in life
  6. What do you value in relationships
  7. Your concerns to this present world
  8. Are you a successful blogger and why you chosen this platform
  9. Whats your contribution for others
  10. Empathy or sympathy , which one you opt and why
  11. Self Introduction or self assessment.


-Athira Aparna