#Scenario 29 -Money Vs Love

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Is money more important than love? What’s more important to you and why?

Please share your opinions in the comment box for an open discussion✍🏻

76 thoughts on “#Scenario 29 -Money Vs Love

      1. True Aadya..
        Love is the greatest treasure in life but we need some money for the needs of life.The problem arises in love for money.Some people are so poor all they have is money only..Some people are rich in terms of monetary or non monetary, but they don’t have greediness in life.

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  1. If your stomach is empty, love won’t be able to fill it. Love nourishes the heart and soul but in practical life, you need money to survive. The only similarity between love and money is that you need both to LIVE and not just SURVIVE. Love, often acts as catalyst to encourage us to do something or anything to earn money. If taken in good faith, nothing can ruin you….if not, then you are doomed.

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    1. True Tanushree..
      I guess for sometimes LOVE becomes a tool now for something or another.Both are important in their own aspects, we can mix it together.The purity of love should not be spoiled in the name MONEY.

      I liked your response so much Tanu, after a gap I received some wonderful thoughts again from you..I’m glad to read it too..πŸ™πŸ»


      1. I’m good…we are following precautions. Rest is unpredictable. People are taking the present situation lightly and messing things up. I hope this too shall pass…it’s taking long but we’ll get past it. How about you?

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      2. Same here Tanu..
        It’s taking too long because of the carelessness of people, they are not ready to follow safety measures, by that they are not only putting their life into danger but others too..


  2. Money is nice to have. But love is more important. Sometimes love provides food. I love that there are cities that have free food gardens and food pantries for those in need. God created all the food we need on earth. Man created money. I am grateful for money, food, love, and God.

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    1. Yes JoAnna..Thank you for sharing your valuable thought here..We are so blessed with lot of things, how much we need to be grateful for !
      Living a life of gratitude is something different than a supplication.
      Love and money, both have their on role in life. Never combine both together…Money is important but Love is more important…
      Btw, how are you doing?

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    1. True..Love is more important..If we have everything in life, but if there is no love or peace then there is no meaning of life…

      Thank you for visiting my blog, keep sharing your thoughts here..Have a wonderful week πŸ‘πŸ»

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  3. I can build a huge MNC with money and give employment to millions.

    I can adapt my district and revolutionise the production of crops. We can establish factories and build a unique & strong brand on the world level.

    With the love, I will win the hearts of the world.

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  4. Love obviously because when you are going through something emotionally or mentally,money can’t heal it but love can give you support and courage to deal with it….. Money can’t give what love can!

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  5. Exactly 😊
    Love is more important than money
    Because money is give you everything but not love
    And love will give you everything if you are kindnessness ,compassionate and
    You nerve be feel alone πŸ€—
    In your life πŸ™‚
    And and human should be rich form heart πŸ’–
    Because money can never buy love

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